Archives for October 2018

The Believing Priesthood

The functioning of a healthy believing priesthood (the guts of the church) is crucial to the life that exists within the heart of the church (otherwise known by Jesus as the ekklesia), and at the same time completely misunderstood. Jesus created His church to function in a healthy vibrant way. The key to this is the believing priesthood. The believing priesthood (a.k.a. the government of Jesus, manifested by the members of the body) contains within it the solution to many problems facing our culture. As an example many are demanding the end to racism by creating laws monitored by the U.S Government which they hope will redress past wrongs.

But this is an issue that directly relates to the heart of man. In the church with a healthy believing priesthood stands the solution to racism and many other problems facing our culture. Only by submitting ourselves together to Christ and His government (where there is no favoritism – Acts 10:34. Romans 2:11 etc.) will racism be eradicated. Trying to control peoples actions and thoughts by attempting to dissipate bad behavior through the law will only breed more hatred. Why is this? Just ask yourself when anyone attempts to tells you what to do and how you are to act in society. The solution is the indwelling Spirit of Jesus in community (the believing priesthood) with others. This will change a person from the inside out. The believer accedes to this process because Jesus has proven to the believer that He loves them and they are convinced of this beyond any doubt. Others in community can then express a fuller picture of how Christ (racism is not monolithic and neither is its solution) sees this or any other issue.

In a healthy functioning gathering (any gathering where two or more come together) everyone should be able to communicate what the Spirit of Christ has given them that day or that week to share with the others. In a healthy environment this allows a greater degree of Christ to be present and expressing Himself. One will know this to be true only by experiencing it firsthand. But some will say that the believing priesthood is simply numerous Christians coming together in love and compassion. But without the presence and expression of Christ through the believing priesthood coming together as Christians only perpetuates the myth that we are doing something that Christ commands when we are actually only serving ourselves.